Never Give Up

A delicate yellow flower growing out from barren rocky ground.
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

A new day. The first in a new year, with new opportunities before us. I'm not one to create a list of New Year's resolutions because I think if you know how you need to improve or why you should make changes in your life, why haven't you done it already? There's no reason to wait for a special day to make important personal changes. That is called procrastination.

The concept of New Year’s resolutions has been around for 4000 years and, of course, has religious roots. However, it’s been adapted throughout time to fit the purpose of people with different needs. Each era created its own cultural tradition.

But even for those of us who resist making resolutions, something about January 1 motivates us to look forward with renewed anticipation.

I suppose I’m influenced by the swell of glee from the revelers who enjoy the circus-like atmosphere that surrounds New Year’s Eve. But more than that, it seems an appropriate time to take stock of what I’ve recently accomplished and look forward to how I can continue to grow.

The beginning of the new year serves to wake us up from our asleep-at-the-wheel mentality and remind us of the importance of our goals, dreams, and the shortness of life. It seems a good time to hit the reset button on our lives.

My 2023 was a disappointing assortment of doctors, healing, pharmaceuticals, and age discrimination, resulting in a loss of focus, productivity, and income. But it was a year filled with ample time to reflect.

And that’s what I’ve been doing. But enough reflection.

Short of writing New Year’s resolutions, I will commit to the following for 2024. I will continue eating well and exercising vigorously. I will spend more time socializing with the right people. I will continue to study, learn, and read widely and write an eclectic mix of stories for curious people of a certain age.

Marcel Proust wrote: The creation of the world did not occur at the beginning of time; it occurs every day.

I will take Proust’s thesis and run with it. This year, 2024, which has 366 days, gives me 366 opportunities to do the right thing. My resolution is to make each day my best.

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